Shoulder pain and manual therapy

Schouderklachten en oefentherapie

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The course of shoulder problems is difficult to predict. The problem can last for a period of 6 weeks up to one and a half years.

The shoulder is vulnerable

The shoulder joint is formed by the clavicle, humerus and the shoulder blade, which create a structure which has a great range of motion but at the same time is very fragile. The stability in the joint is controlled by muscles and tendons.

The shoulder is a complex joint

Because there are so many factors influencing the shoulder It is difficult to identify the exact problem. Nevertheless manual therapy can be a good tool in restoring any problem in the shoulder joint, by using mobilisation techniques which are safe for the joints, muscles and tendons in the shoulder girdle.

It is important to make a good analysis in order to decide which structure to treat. For example when you have a problem with anti-flexion of the shoulder the problem is usually located in the scapula clavicle joint. Where if the pain occurs when abducting the arm the problem is situated in the scapula-humeral joint. Shoulder movement is also known to be affected by breathing and the movement of the ribs.

schouderklachtenShoulder problems and exercise therapy

Shoulder problems can be caused by overloading or wrong use of the shoulder. The shoulder is connected to the spine, the neck and the arms through muscles and tendons. A problem in the shoulder therefore influences, all these parts of the body.

The goal of treatment is to improve the function of the entire shoulder region.

Through exercise and treatment all the body parts that are affected can get back into balance. In particular, in long-term shoulder pain, there has been a compensation effecting the adjacent joints. The restoration of the muscle balance in the shoulder region ensures an improvement of the functioning of the shoulder itself.